Predictions: Grand Prix Final 2016


I swore that I would be on top of things for the GPF so I am starting early this week. The only downside to this is that if there’s last minute withdrawals, I’ll have to change things up.

In any case, the GPF is looking to be an exciting competition where skaters will want to line themselves nicely going into Worlds. The stakes are higher this season because their standings at Worlds determine a) how many skaters their country gets to send to the Olympics and b) their reputation and momentum going into the Olympic season. The GPF will determine the course of a few things as we head into the stretch of the season devoted to Nationals, 4CC and Euros.


Predictions: Cup of China 2016


The Grand Prix series is already starting to wind towards the finals and I am super excited! I apologize for the short posts but time has been precious and I am doing my best to try and juggle my time between my different priorities. I will at some point sort through my Skate Canada pictures and post a few of the better shots. (My crappy camera is nothing compared to some of the equipment used to take close-ups of Yuzuru’s face. If you think I was joking about the fan closeups, think again.) Anyways, onwards with the predictions!


Predictions: Worlds 2016

Gracie Gold 2016

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter long weekend! Once my precious days off were over, I realized that Worlds was starting very soon and I had to get my act together and do a Worlds predictions post. My last few predictions have been off the mark but hey, it happens and it won’t deter me from making more. So here goes!


State of the Union: 2015/16 Season

shibsibs sci15 fd

I usually write my State of the Union posts in January so that it coincides with the actual American SOTU address but things kept coming around and I find myself writing this now. Which in hindsight, isn’t actually that bad because some monumental things have happened at National-level competitions, which change the tone of the figure skating world going into the World Championships.

This season, I’ll change it up a little. This post used to be a long rambling of all the bits and pieces and I figure I’d try a new format and focus on four main themes, one for each discipline.


Debrief: Grand Prix Final 2015 – Part I


satoko miyahara 15 gpf lp

As a few of you have remarked, my predictions for the Grand Prix Final were oh so terribly wrong. Although my predictions are incorrect a lot of the time, these ones were wrong through and through and when I thought about it, I drew these conclusions:

  1. Not having the 2nd half of TEB really messed things up. I point to my overestimation of Gold and Chan’s abilities. I thought they were going to medal here but I suspect that should TEB have played out completely, their weakness for this season would have been a lot more clear.
  2. Never base your predictions on your hopes. Just stick to the status quo until it changes.
  3. Even if you do stick with the status quo, ice is slippery. I did not think that anyone could beat Duhamel & Radford. Their streak is over.

Moving on, let’s go to the highlights and debrief!

Debrief: Cup of China 2015

boyang jin

Well… most of my predictions went out the window last weekend. But what can I say? Ice is slippery and besides, at least we got a lot of great skating from it! Here are some highlights and some random comments here and there on the Cup of China. Feel free to jump in and add your own thoughts in the comments! More

Predictions: Cup of China 2015

xiaoyu yu yang jin 14 coc lp

Wow! I had seriously forgotten how fast-paced the GP series is! With the time difference, I hope that this post makes it in time before the competition starts. Either way, this was written before the competition starts so onward we go with predictions! May they be just as good as they were last week. Though now I think I’ve jinxed myself. More

World Championships 2015: The Ladies

Elizaveta TuktamyshevaThe ladies event at Worlds this year held a few surprises after a lackluster season. I’ve only recently accepted the fact that it will be a while before we see anyone with the ability of Mao Asada, Yuna Kim and Carolina Kostner and I think that with that in mind, the next season will be a little easier to swallow. Nonetheless, the results of Worlds this year are promising in a few respects and I thought I’d share a few thoughts about it in this post. More

Predictions: World Championships 2015

kaitlyn andrew 15 4cc fd

The World Championships are upon us! I’m not sure if I should be sad that the season is almost over (we do have the World Team Trophy afterwards, after all) or if I should be happy that we’ve wrapped up a post-Olympic season and that we can look forward to more polished competitors in the fall. Either way, it’s time to make some predictions! More

European Championships 2015: Highlights and Recap

kavaguti smirnov euros 2015 spThe World Championships are looming ahead and I finally have time to sit down and catch up. First up: Euros. Let’s get right down to business, shall we? More

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