Look-Alikes: Frozen Edition

Look out, Meryl Davis, you’re not the only Disney princess gliding about in the skating world! So far at The Rinkside Cafe, I’ve already done a post on Disney Princesses (who look like Meryl Davis) and a post on the elegant Kiira Korpi. However, while listening to some songs from Disney’s new movie, Frozen, a thought came to me…

Some pictures have been flipped so that faces were facing the same way.

Here is Elsa, one of the main characters in Frozen:


Kiira Korpi looks a little like Elsa with her hair in a bun but the resemblance is most striking when you see this picture:

kiira korpi elsa

Someone needs to Photoshop a braid into this picture. Or see if Kiira is willing to cosplay as Elsa for us.

But then, I thought, Frozen is a sisters movie and it would be nice if we could have an Anna as well as an Elsa look-alike. I couldn’t quite find a perfect look-alike as I’ve never met or seen anyone with Anna’s face shape. Well, maybe Lily Cole but she’s not a figure skater so in the end, I thought the closest Anna look-alike I could find is Ashley Wagner with the streaks in her hair.



Ashley Wagner:

ashley wagner anna

Well, I tried.

Do you have any look-alike suggestions for Anna? (And did you like Frozen?) Or just in general? Let me know in the comments~!

EDIT: Reader Wendy Doeh mentioned that Kiira’s sister Petra, who inspired Kiira to skate, looks like Anna.

kiira and petra

OMG. Real life sisters who look like *the* Disney sister duo. Sorry, Meryl Davis, but you’re not the only Disney Princess.

~The Rinkside Cafe