There could still be some hope for Mao

Compared to her past record, it would seem as if Mao Asada is a lost cause in the international scene, her once brilliant star diminished. However, after watching her Liebestraume LP from this season (I felt a need to listen to the song after Johnny Weir mentioned it at his gig at Macy’s), I feel that Mao will get her comeback, although the extent of her success may be dependent on the success of the two up and coming Russian ladies, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva and Adelina Sotnikova.


Four Continents (this is probably the best performance of the season):

So after watching that LP, these are my observations:



I started a post on predictions for Worlds but I feel as if it’s a bit insensitive to think about figure skating when people are dying and going through hell in Japan. Every time I think about it, the disaster seems unfathomable and I feel a bit sad that my only prof this semester that specializes in Japan will probably not show up to class because we’re watching a video this week. It would be nice to hear his views on the situation. I wish I could offer happy videos and whatnot but when I thought about it, this photo might be a bit more appropriate. This is a painting of Hope that I took when I was at the Fine Arts Museum in Boston.

In more figure skating related news, the people on ontd_skating have reported that the Japanese media have reported that the World championships will be postponed. The official ISU announcement has yet to come.

Hoping for the best,

~The Rinkside Cafe